April Fools

May 01, 2022 - May 22, 2022 | Sylvan Adams Theatre


Created by Keren Peles
Adapted by Akiva Romer-Segal
From a translation by Shelly Ben Shachar
Directed by Moshe Kepten
Musical Direction / Score Supervisor Nick Burgess
Choreographer Sean Cheesman
Musical Supervisor / Music Producer Brian Rivlin
Music Producer (Original Production) Adi Rotem
Assistant Choreographer Kelly Fletcher
Set Designer Brian Dudkiewicz
Costume Designer Louise Bourret
Lighting Designer Martin Sirois
Video Designer VideoCompany
Sound Designer Sylvin Sévigny
Interactive App Design FunToad
Interactive App Programmer Gil Seri
Assistant Director Lisa Rubin
Intimacy Coach Luciana Burcheri
Casting Rachelle Glait
Stage Manager Danielle Laurin
Assistant Stage Manager Elyse Quesnel
Apprentice Stage Manager Ava Bishop

Eva - Eva Foote
Daniel - Daniel Murphy
Confidence - Julia Juhas
Doubt - Dominique LeBlanc
Morality - Heather McGuigan
Libido - Jamie McRoberts
Poet - Ruthie Nkut
Music - Zou Zou Robidoux
Standby - Rosie Callaghan
Voice of Josh - Andrew Shaver

What does personal fulfillment really look like?

In the middle of living the seemingly perfect life – complete with career, family, and home of her dreams – a woman begins a torrid love affair with an attractive and soon-to-be-married man. In this adult rock cabaret from Israeli superstar and two-time “Israeli Singer of the Year” Keren Peles, a forbidden love affair leads to a deep dive into a woman’s mind, where a battle plays out among her conflicting urges, embodied onstage by multi-talented performers, and desire to break free of societal expectations. Using their mobile devices, the audience becomes an active part of the story and influences the course of the cabaret. April Fools is a sensual and stripped-down musical rendezvous that you’ll definitely want to give in to.


Download the interactive app before the performance

App Store button     Google Play button

We invite you to participate in this unique theatre experience using your mobile device. With the help of the April Fools App you will be able to connect directly to Eva’s phone and immerse yourself into her life. All of this is possible with a few simple steps:

  1. Download the application “April Fools - Segal Centre” from the App Store / Google Play and make sure your app is updated to the latest version before coming to the Segal Centre
  2. Open the application and click “Allow” when asked (please note the Segal Centre maintains your privacy and no data will be shared or collected)
  3. Once you are seated in the theatre, please keep your phones out, on silent mode, with the app opened and follow the prompts throughout the show. This app uses minimal data.

Before and during the show, the following screen will appear, and you are in the right place:

Don't hesitate to ask an usher for help if you need!


“This is the show everyone (over 18) will be talking about! It’s steamy, it’s exciting, it’s all about female empowerment and the talent is mind-blowing. Definitely not to be missed!”

Content Advisory 
This production is reserved for patrons 18+. The Segal Centre believes that our patrons can determine what is distressing, triggering, or offensive for themselves by offering content advisories for each show. Of course, should you be unsure based on the advisories, please contact us and we will be happy to help you with your decision.

  • Content includes talk of PTSD, mental health, drug use, smoking, drinking, marital strife and infidelity, car accidents, and sexual encounters
  • Flashing lights and theatrical haze
  • Simulated smoking and orgasm on stage
  • Strong language
  • Mild audience participation via cell phone
  • Needing a cold shower afterward
  • 18+

An enriching, online, pre-show lecture on the ideas and themes of the play streamed live on the Segal’s Facebook and YouTube pages.
Sunday, May 1 – 11:00 a.m.

Make a night of it! Join us for dinner and drink before the play. TNL is the ideal night out for theatre-lovers in their 30s, 40s, and 50s!
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Tickets: $88


The Segal Centre is thrilled to offer audio-described performances in collaboration with Connec-T, an organization aiming to make culture accessible to all. These special performances of will allow patrons to use the “Sennheiser Mobile Connect” app on their personal phone to hear enhanced sound and a detailed audio-description of the performance narrated live.

Saturday, May 21


Eva Foote

Eva Foote


Daniel Murphy

Daniel Murphy


Julia Juhas

Julia Juhas


Dominique LeBlanc

Dominique LeBlanc


Heather McGuigan

Heather McGuigan


Jamie McRoberts

Jamie McRoberts


Ruthie Nkut

Ruthie Nkut


Zou Zou Robidoux

Zou Zou Robidoux


Rosie Callaghan

Rosie Callaghan


Andrew Shaver

Andrew Shaver

Voice of Josh


Keren Peles

Keren Peles


Akiva Romer-Segal

Akiva Romer-Segal


Shelly Ben-Shachar

Shelly Ben-Shachar


Moshe Kepten

Moshe Kepten


Nick Burgess

Nick Burgess

Musical Direction / Score Supervisor

Sean Cheesman

Sean Cheesman


Brian Rivlin

Brian Rivlin

Musical Supervisor / Music Producer

Adi Rotem

Adi Rotem

Music Producer (Original Production)

Kelly Fletcher

Kelly Fletcher

Assistant Choreographer

Brian Dudkiewicz

Brian Dudkiewicz

Set Designer

Louise Bourret

Louise Bourret

Costume Designer

Martin Sirois

Martin Sirois

Lighting Designer



Video Designer

Sly Sévigny

Sly Sévigny

Sound Designer



Interactive App Design

Gil Seri

Gil Seri

Interactive App Programmer

Lisa Rubin

Lisa Rubin

Assistant Director

Luciana Burcheri

Luciana Burcheri

Intimacy Coach

Rachelle Glait

Rachelle Glait


Danielle Laurin

Danielle Laurin

Stage Manager

Elyse Quesnel

Elyse Quesnel

Assistant Stage Manager

Ava Bishop

Ava Bishop

Apprentice Stage Manager