Jun 08, 2025 - Jun 29, 2025 | Sylvan Adams Theatre

Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn
Written by Sandy Rustin
Additional material by Hunter Foster and Eric Price
Based on the Paramount Pictures Motion Picture
Based on the Hasbro board game CLUE
Original music by Michael Holland
Directed by Lisa Rubin

A Segal Centre production

By special arrangement with The Araca Group, Work Light Productions, and Michael Barra/Lively McCabe Entertainment.


This comedy is a killer!

Step into a world of mystery and mischief at the Segal Centre in this comedic romp as murder and blackmail unfold over a sinister dinner party at Boddy Manor. Based on the cult classic 1985 film and inspired by the iconic Hasbro board game, this slapstick whodunit keeps you guessing: Was it Miss Scarlet in the library with the rope? Or Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the knife? Join us for an evening of laughter and intrigue that promises thrilling twists at every turn!




It’s the story (and game) you know and love, with the magic of live theatre that’ll have the whole family begging for more. I can even solve the first mystery for you! The only thing missing to make this a perfect evening out is: You. In the theatre. With a ticket.






The Segal Centre acknowledges that some content may be difficult for some people. We want to provide audiences with the information to care for their well-being and decide what is appropriate for their children. Should you be unsure based on the advisory, please contact us and we will be happy to help you with your decision.

Age-based restrictions are recommendations only.

Please note that babes in arms or children under the age of two (2) are not permitted in the theatre unless expressed permission is given by the theatre.

  • Recommended for ages 12+
  • Theatre haze, smoke effect, gunshot sound effects
  • This production contains loud noises, sudden blackouts, flashing lights, smoking, staged physical violence, and sexual innuendo.



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