New Musical Theatre Development with Trevor Barrette

Enter your contact information:

Student First Name
Student Last Name
Date of Birth
Current Age
Grade (2024-2025)
Does your child take medication? (Ritalin, Ventolin, insulin, etc.)? If yes, which one(s) and for what ailment/diagnosis?
Please note any physical or emotional condition of which we should be aware, so that we may have a better understanding of your child.
Who are your favourite musical artists?
Tell us a bit about your theatre experience
Do you play any musical instruments? If so which?
Why are you interested in this course?
Please send us a 30 sec to 1 min audio or video clip of you singing any song of your choice. Please sing along to an instrumental or karaoke track. Please send that submission to

Parent / Guardian information
Parent #1 Name
Parent #2 Name
Address (number, street)
Address (city, province, postal code)
Home Phone
Primary contact number (please indicate which parent/guardian)
Other contact phone number (please indicate which parent/guardian)
Primary parent/guardian email (all Academy emails will go to this address)
How did you hear of the Segal Academy?

Explain if you selected 'other'

Emergency Contact other than parent/guardian
Phone Number
By checking this box, you are giving the Segal Centre permission to use photographs of your child(ren) for promotional purposes to promote the Segal Centre and the Academy.
Ask a question
Please check the box