Paul and Linda Plan a Threesome

Jan 20, 2025 - Jan 26, 2025 | Studio

d² productions
Paul and Linda Plan a Threesome by Jane Cooper Ford


Montreal’s legal power-couple Paul and Linda decided to have a threesome to spice up their marriage. This last-ditch effort turns into quite a different evening as their guests, some expected others not so much, begin to arrive. Paul and Linda Plan a Threesome is funny and heartfelt; a celebration of love in many of its forms. Written by Jane Cooper Ford.

*Not suitable for children under 16 years of ages


d2 productions is an independent theatre company rooted in Montreal’s English theatre community. We are driven by our commitment to exclusively produce Canadian plays, with an emphasis on emerging artists, and to create opportunities for local artists while producing high quality, affordable theatre for all audiences. d2 productions showcases
some of Montreal’s finest actors, directors, technicians and writers. We are all about collaboration, sharing, and teamwork, and we’ve proven that working together helps artists to explore their potential and achieve great things.

Facebook: d2 productions montréal
Instagram: d2prodmtl