En fermant mes yeux, je le vois.
Un faisceau luminescent, déchirant dans un trait jouissif, un dense nuage enténébré. Une transmission électrique, un message énigmatique que seuls les plus courageux peuvent porter. Habité des échos d’aspiration, d’appréhension, d’attente, mais surtout d’espoir. Dans cette instance, je comprends. Ce qui fut laissé derrière. Un départ pour une arrivée. Une terre enracinée contre une autre à ensemencer. S’endeuiller pour la liberté.
I see it when I close my eyes.
A beam of light rips through a dense cloud of darkness with one joyful stroke. An electric transmission, an enigmatic message that only the most courageous can carry. Inhabited by the echoes of aspiration, dread, expectation, but especially hope. In that very instance, I understand. What was left behind. Departing to arrive. Land rooted against another to be sown. Mourning for freedom.
Brief commentary on the poem
*This poem, which opens and closes with the author’s direct admission that she is the child of an immigrant, is full of love and hope, appreciation of her origins and heritage that will only chart her path for the future. Written in French and Creole, Maryline Chery dynamically evokes sensory elements of heat, light and water to convey strong emotions that are not only deeply personal but strikingly universal.
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*Please note that this reflection was kept in the original language used by the author. Upcoming reflections will be in English.